Zephorian Sandbox
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard storage locker at Site-19. Three Researchers must be present during any experiments utilizing both of SCP-XXXX’s components. All research regarding the addition of content to SCP-XXXX must be overseen by at least one Senior Researcher.

Description: SCP-XXXX is comprised of two components.

  • SCP-XXXX-1: A diary entitled: “The Vile Nature of Humanity”. The diary contains seventeen entries, each by a different subject. All entries depict a traumatic event in the life of the subject written in ink from SCP-XXXX-2.
  • SCP-XXXX-2: An ink pot filled with a fluid of unknown origin. DNA testing has shown the fluid to contain traces of blood from an as yet undetermined number of human beings as well as one or more unknown chemicals.

Once an entry has been written into SCP-XXXX-1 using SCP-XXXX-2 the subject will enter a trance like state, becoming completely unresponsive to outside stimuli. After several minutes the subject will awaken, at which point it is clear that SCP-XXXX has caused two anomalous effects on the subject.

  • The subject suffers from psychogenic amnesia, removing all memory of the event entered into SCP-XXXX.
  • The subject suffers from cryptomnesia, with the diary’s previous entry now filling the memory gap created by SCP-XXXX.