SCP-1998-J "Bad Manuals and a Toaster"
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Item #: SCP-1998-J

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-1998-J, complete containment is impossible. However, if any personnel were to encounter instances of SCP-1998-J, they are to bring it/them to SCP-1998-J's standard containment locker.

Description: SCP-1998-J is a collection of instruction manuals for various objects requiring assembly, as well as a toaster that appears in various forms upon activation of any instance of SCP-1998-J. (SCP-1998-J-1) Their anomalous properties manifest when any person(s) attempts to follow the instructions in the manuals or request for another user to explain the instructions in the manuals to them. Despite the majority of the instruction manuals having nothing to do with kitchen appliances, approximately 90% of encounters with instances of SCP-1998-J result in the user getting their genitalia lodged in a toaster. Through further research, it has been discovered that all of SCP-1998-J's instances discovered so far contain instructions deemed incredibly simple by secondary observers. It appears to not effect person(s) under the age of 10.

Notable Instances of SCP-1998-J

  • SCP-1998-J-2 - Instructions for a simple wooden chair bought from IKEA. Discovered during assembly after being purchased for Site █'s cafeteria. Anomalous properties discovered after two D-Class injured their genitals while attempting to assemble the chair included with SCP-1998-J-2. See Addendum 1 for details.
  • SCP-1998-J-13 - Instruction manual for a Lego Star Wars Tie Fighter set. Recovered by the Foundation after the set's owner called 911 after assembling a toaster out of Legos and getting his genitalia stuck in it.

Addendum 1: Audio transcript from incident 01 regarding SCP-1998-J, 1998-J-1, and 1998-J-2.

*End of audio file*