ZomToast(I used to be ToastyMan)

Item #: SCP-3926

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Shave the arms every other week. See addendum 3926-A. SCP-3926-1's palm is be kept held up and not touching any surface. See addendum 3926-B.

Description: SCP-3926-1 and SCP-3926-2 are left and right mannequin arms on display within a store in ████████ that grow hair. See addendum 3926-A. SCP-3926-1 and SCP-3926-2 appear to be a pair of average sized mannequin colored human arms with a circle located in the center of the palms on each hand. The circles have a radius of 2.54 centimeters. All instances when together are referred to as SCP-3926, separately the right arm is SCP-3926-1 and the left arm is SCP-3926-2.

SCP-3926 is anatomically correct, although whenever it is injured the wound heals perfectly. SCP-3926 is closed off where it would connect to a torso. When SCP-3926-1's palm circle is placed against an object it appears to have some sort of absorption effect on the object.

The absorption is different with various objects: When done on any metal, the metal rusts at an advanced rate stemming from where SCP-3926-1 is placed; With any electronic the electricity is drained out; With fire the thermal energy is transferred into SCP-3926-1, however SCP-3926-1's temperature remains the same; With a human it would seem that the human's life is drained out of them, it is unknown where it goes when SCP-3926 is not connected to a body of some sort; SCP-3926-1 has not been tested with any plants, uranium, a bomb and several other objects that were not granted authorization.

SCP-3926-2 looks like an exact copy of SCP-3926-1. The only difference is that SCP-3926-2 does not have the same absorption ability. What SCP-3926-2's palm circle does is currently unknown. See Addendum 3926-B. SCP-3926 were the arms of a mannequin in a store until the incident detailed in Addendum 3926-A.

SCP-3926-2 is able to express/materialize whatever is absorbed by SCP-3926-1 when there is a body connected to the both of them, which is currently SCP-3926-3. It seems to be that SCP-3926-3 decides when to use SCP-3926-2.

Addendum 3926-A: SCP-3926 and it's mannequin body had been moved to display inside the store. According to surveillance a child had walked up to SCP-3926's specific mannequin and poked the circle on SCP-3926-1. Upon contact the child's body deteriorated into a shriveled corpse in approximately 30 seconds. At this point SCP-3926's mannequin became animate and began running around placing SCP-3926-1 flat against several things.

Due to the foundation monitoring this SCP and having a MTF unit near, the unit mobilized and disabled SCP-3926's mannequin. The unit operatives separated SCP-3926 from the mannequin and took them into the foundation for containment.

Addendum 3926-B: During a containment breach SCP-███ had gotten a hold of SCP-3926 and got them out of the facility. It's suspected that SCP-3926-1 and SCP-3926-2 connected together and "ran" away. SCP-3926 had found or were found by a man with no arms. And promptly connected. Whether the man willingly connected SCP-3926 or SCP-3926 connected themselves against his will is unknown.

After SCP-3926 was attached to the man, the man was designated SCP-3926-3. SCP-3926-3 ran around the town he was in placing SCP-3926-1 on various things. Whatever energy SCP-3926-1 absorbed SCP-3926-3 was able to materialize it through SCP-3926-2 in some way. However SCP-3926 was found and contained. When approached by the task force SCP-3926-3 cooperated.