Zyn Lesh Collaboration

Co-author: Zyn

Reviewers in chat: taylor_itkin, Pecan, Hippo, MacLeod, Sly161, Kakroom, CaptainKirby
Reviewers in forums: MrAnakinSpecter, minmin, WrongJohnSilver, MrWrong (http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-1810025/creepitation)
Reviewers in PMs: AbsentmindedNihilist

Author Post

Many thanks to Zyn for co-authoring this article! Her ideas and edits gave were invaluable for setting the tone and illustrating the object’s behavior. It was very kind of her to stick with me for this despite me being out of contact for months at a time. She also identified a butterfly I found.

Additional thanks to our magnificent reviewers:

  • In chat: taylor_itkin, Pecan, Hippo, MacLeod, Sly161, Kakroom, CaptainKirby
  • In forums: MrAnakinSpecter, minmin, WrongJohnSilver, MrWrong
  • In Wikidot PMs: AbsentmindedNihilist

Hopefully nobody has too many bones to pick with this skip.