Zypl0x_ [SCP Draft] The Temporal Watch
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Item #: SCP-2658

Object Class: Euclid


SCP-2658 under analysis by Dr. ████

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-2658 is to be stored in 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm titanium blast-proof safe, locked by code which is only accessed by personnel with Level 4 and above clearance. The safe is to be stored in Site-18 vault #0934. The vault is to be equipped with 4 security cameras surrounding the perimeter of the safe, guarded by 2 armed security forces at any given time.
Were it to be transferred, handled, etc., using any equipment that separates the handler from SCP-2658 is adequate.

Detection of humanoid entities within the vault will result in immediate capture and detainment of the entity in Site-10, interrogating on their origins and memory.

Due to SCP-2658 being stable and inactive without direct human contact, no further procedures are to be taken except for emergency procedures in the event of a containment breach.
In the event of a human being coming into contact with SCP-2658, their identity is to be wiped from government databases to prevent leak of information on SCP-2658.

In the event of a containment breach, SCP-2658's safe is to be transported to Site-38 to be stored in a 2m thick concrete vault without any openings.


SCP-2658 is a "Rolex" model watch, official records indicating its manufacture in ██/██/████ in Switzerland. SCP-2658 appears like any ordinary watch without any human contact, functioning and running properly, displaying the correct time on its clock face. Time displayed on SCP-2658 after every incident of a human coming into contact with it, is ██:██. Further analysis reveals that this displayed time corresponds to this particular watch's manufacture date if ignoring the first digit of the year.

Subjects that came into contact with SCP-2658 were never recovered, as subjects disappear without a trace during breaks in observation of them.

SCP-2658's composition is yet to be confirmed through testing.

Periodically, there are several cases of entities emerging from the immediate area around SCP-2658. Some of these entities claimed to be from the time period SCP-2658 displays after an incident, while others claimed to be from another fixed time period in the future, ██/██/████.

Recovery Log:

SCP-2658 was discovered in a apartment room in Singapore on ██/██/1998 after a missing persons report has been filed for the search of the apartment's tenant, Mr. ██████ . Police arrived at the apartment, discovering SCP-2658 on the floor.
Officer █████, shortly after grabbing SCP-2658, disappeared between lapses in observation.
Officers on site are then administered Class-B Amnesiacs after foundation agents arrived.

Addendum 2658-01 | Related Entities:

SCP-2658 shares similar temporal-like properties with SCP-052. However, tests involving both entities are not to be carried out. Further research is to take place before such testing is considered to prevent unforeseen consequences.

Currently there are 7 recorded instances of entities leaving SCP-2658, mostly currently detained in Site-10.


Date: 18th June, 1993
Notes: A middle-aged male human clothed in a 3-piece suit was found and caught after leaving the vault. Subject claims to be from █████, England, though claimed unable to recall what happened within several hours just before the incident.


Date: 23rd September, 2001
Notes: A young male human clothed in fancy clothes found lying unconscious in the vault. Subject claims to be from █████, France, after regaining consciousness, unable to recall what happened within several hours just before the incident.


Date: 16th November, 1999
Notes: Nude human toddler found crawling in the vault.


██th May, ████
Notes: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject unable to be located 3 days after detainment.


Date: 05th January, 1996
Notes: An adult female human dressed in a full white gown found unconscious in vault. Subject unable to remember anything.


Notes: Agent ████, in service in 19██, currently age 8█ found unconscious in vault. [DATA EXPUNGED].


Notes: Unknown humanoid entity appeared in vault. Entity detained after killing 5 Class-D personnel.

Addendum 2658-02 | Tests:

{ A C C E S S | D E N I E D }
