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The Aral Sea before (left) and after (right) an Omega Event.

Item #: SCP-2124

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the seemingly sporadic nature in which SCP-2124 instances form and dissipate, containment procedures are primarily focused on the suppression of its affect on the Earth’s water levels.

SCP-2124 is to be sealed in an air tight palladium-glass dome, with all water and living organisms extracted from the inside of the dome immediately after it is set. Upon locating an instance of SCP-2124, action to contain the anomaly is to be taken immediately to prevent the expansion of an SCP-2124 instance. No object or organism is to be closer than 50 m from the anomaly at all times, and all personnel are to remain outside of the dome at all times.

The dome containing SCP-2124 is to be examined every hour for damage or fracturing caused by SCP-2124 or any other outside source. Should damage be found on the dome, a Containment Specialist should be notified immediately.

In the instance of an Omega event, all on site personnel are to evacuate the entire area within a 250 m range of an SCP-2124.

Description: SCP-2124 is a spatial anomaly that can occur in any location containing liquid water. This anomaly tends to occur in oceans but has been reported to occur in lakes, streams, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. An instance of SCP-2124 can appear and disappear sporadically, thus making permanent containment impossible.

SCP-2124 appears to be a large black hole in which no light can pass through, nor be seen inside. SCP-2124 generates a force measured at [REDACTED] with which it drains all water in its location until it reaches its maximum size of 168 m. The anomaly appears to have a growth of 1 m per [REDACTED] liters of water, fresh or salt. This force does not seem to affect the surrounding inanimate environment such as surrounding rock, but does seem to have a stronger pull on organic lifeforms1. The anomaly is known to dissipate after 23 hours whether it has reached its maximum size or has been prevented access to liquid water.

It has been predicted that failure to contain several instances of SCP-2124 could lead to a devastating drop in water supply with potential to cause a human-extinction event.

Research is currently being made into predicting where instances of SCP-2124 will occur in the future for preventative measures.

Omega Event 10/05/2008 Report:
Duration: 00:00:59
Notes: An instance of SCP-2124, which had been contained through its special containment procedures, suddenly and rapidly grew to four times its previously recorded maximum size. The force generated by SCP-2124 increased to five times its average amount. This event lasted approximately fifty nine seconds and resulted in the deaths of [DATA EXPUNGED] personnel, as well as the nearly complete draining of the Aral Sea. No other Omega Events have ever been recorded.